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Latin Name
Common Name
Plant Description
Winter Foilage
Price and Size
Biggus Plantus
Big Plant
Plant descriptions and related information are a generalization pulled from different sources and personal experiences. The size of the plants are basically at close to mature size with proper growing conditions. Plant size in general has to do with the plant, growing conditions, pruning, and time. The customer should really think how long the plant needs or can be in the location. I can say how big the plant might be in ten years and yet it might be twice that large in 50 years which I believe should not factor into the plant purchase, as in 50 years one will probably not care what size the plant is.
(Conifer like or good leaf retention)
(Holds some leaves through winter)
(No winter foliage)
(dies back to ground)
3 gallon - $18.00
Abelia x 'Rose Creek'
Rose Creek
This is the nicest of all the white flowering abelias that I have ever grown which have been quite a few. It grows to a reasonable size 4' x 4' and has good winter leaf retention. It blooms late summer for me and the nicest effect are the pink sepals which follow. It does best in half day to full sun. This seems to be a winner.
Semi- Evergreen
3 gallon- $18.00
Acer palmatum
Japanese maple
We raise many varieties of Acer palmatum, The varieties come and go due to graft limitations. Varieties we usually have in stock are Aka Kawa Hime, Beni Maoki, Bloodgood, Beni Kawa, Coonara Pygmy, Enkan, Hubb's Red Willow, Kiyohime, Little Red, Muresaki Kiyohime, Orangeola, Purple Ghost, Red Filigree Lace, Summer Gold, Twombley's Red Sentinel, Tamukeyama, Viridis, Seiryu, and others at times. They can range from two to twenty feet tall, green to red leaves, and various fall colors. Most Japanese maples would love half day sun but some need more to bring out color and some less. They are really limitless in form and color.
5 gallon-$75.00
7 gallon- $90.00
10 gallon-$135.00
15 gallon-$150.00
20 gallon-$225.00*
25 gallon-$225.00*
*select cultivars
Aesculus parviflora
Bottlebrush Buckeye
This native shrub can grow to 6' to 8' tall and wide but can be somewhat maintained. It is stoloniferous and can slowly get fairly wide. A good pollinator with 12" spikes of white bottlebrush flowers in late spring. This plant occurs naturally as an understory but in cultivation it has the capacity to bloom in full sun to total shade.
3 gallon- $22.50
Aesculus pavia
Red Buckeye
This is a small 15' tree native to eastern N.C. It blooms in April with 6" long panicles and is the first plant the hummingbirds go to. It leafed out early and is the first plant to shed its leaves in late summer. It likes part shade but with adequate moisture can handle full sun.
3 gallon- $22.50
7 gallon- $40.00
Baptisia australis
'Purple Smoke'
False indigo
One of the few perennials that we grow. This plant needs full sun or close to it to do well. They can get to be 3' by 3' with age. The flowers are soft yellow to a bluish purple depending on variety. This plant is also deer proof. A good flower bed addition. It blooms in spring for two weeks or so.
3 gallon -$15.00
Buddleia davidii
'Royal Red'
'Buzz Midnight'
'Buzz Sky Blue'
'Buzz Hot Rasberry'
Butterfly Bush
I have grown so many butterfly bushes through the years. They come and go like a gentle breeze changing little. The ones we have now are Royal Red which is a 5' by 6' plant with magenta blooms. The others are a dwarf series called Buzz. They can be kept in check to about 3' with an annual pruning. Deer proof and a continuous blooming summer shrub have made these plants loved. Their only drawback is a 5 to 10 year lifespan before they become too woody and split .
3 gallon -$18.00
Cephalotaxus harringtonia 'Drupacea'
false yew
We grow several cultivars of the cephalotaxus. This one is the largest at 6' x 10' though it would take 20 years from a cutting to attain that size. They seem to do best in part sun though they can handle full sun. Deer resistant and a nice texture make these plants very useful.
3 gallon- $20.00
7 gallon- $40.00
Cephalotaxus harringtonia 'Duke Gardens'
Duke Gardens
false yew
A slow growing conifer to 4' x 6' after 15 years. This plant like all the false yews is deer resistant and does well in part shade and tolerates full sun . A superb plant as an accent or small hedge.
3 gallon - $20.00
7 gallon- $40.00
Cephalotaxus harringtonia 'Prostrata'
Prostrate false yew
One of the most popular plants we sell as it can fill a lot of niches. An extremely slow growing plant in youth that will get 2' x 4' in 15 years. This plant is extremely adaptive to conditions. It prefers part shade but yet I see it thriving in full sun at university plantings. It can handle a fairly dry location and is deer resistant.
3 gallon - $20.00
Cercis canadensis 'Forest Pansy'
A multistemmed tree to about 12' and about the same width that is covered with rose purple flowers in early spring. A beautiful specimen for any landscape that does best in half to full sun. This particular cultivar does not produce seed pods which some people might find undesirable.
15 gallon - $75.00
Cercis chinensis'Don Egolf'
A multistemmed shrub to about 8' and about the same width that is covered with rose purple flowers in early spring. A beautiful specimen for any landscape that does best in half to full sun. This particular cultivar does not produce seed pods which some people might find undesirable.
7 gallon - $45.00
Chamaecyparis obtusa
'Coralliformis Nana'
Dwarf Coralliformis
A real gem of a small plant. This is the smallest of the falsecypresses that we grow. It gets to be a 3' x 3' plant in ten years. This obtusa has rounder foliage compared to the flat sprays of most cultivars. It likes full sun.
3 gallon- $22.50
Chamaecyparis obtusa
'Well's Special'
Well's Special
Hinoki falsecypress
One of the faster growing dwarf Hinoki cypress which can get to be 6' x 4' in 10 years. All the chamaecyparis I grow prefer full sun though can do well in 3/4 sun also. This pyramidal grower has the graceful oriental look with dark green foliage most people link with the Hinokis
3 gallon -$22.50
7 gallon- $45.00
'Gold Mops'
'Gold Mops'
A mainly globose grower that can get to be 6' in ten years. This plant can be pruned to control it though it is not the small plant most people use it for. It does best with a lot of sun to bring out its color.
3 gallon -$18.00
Clethra alnifolia 'Hummingbird'
Dwarf sweet pepperbush
A 3' deciduous plant that grows in half to three quarter shade areas. Species is native to this area and grows along stream banks. It has 8 inch spikes of white bottlebrush flowers in late spring. This plant can spread some by suckering but is not invasive. This plant is nondescript to me except for being a great pollinator. Every year it has insects on it that I have never seen.
3 gallon - $18.00
Cornus kousa
Chinese dogwood
We grow a few varieties of this dogwood different years as acquired stock plants. My favorite is 'Milky Way' a 15' x 15' heavy flowering cultivar though not the fastest grower. Also have 'Green Sleeves', and 'Scarlet Fire' a real pink kousa. Like our native dogwood it prefers half to three quarter sun but with watering can handle full sun.
7 gallon - $50.00
10 gallon - $65.00-$75.00
Corylopsis spicata 'Aurea'
Spike winter hazel
An 8' x 10' plant with time. It has interesting branch structure, chartreuse colored leaves and yellow drooping flowers. This is my favorite plant in my garden and I wish I could propagate them better so everyone with enough space could have one. A plant for all seasons with its zigzag stem structure.
3 gallon- $30.00
Cryptomeria japonica 'Gyokruyu'
Gyokruyu cryptomeria
An elegant upright conifer to 6' by 6' in ten years to eventually 15' by 10'. My favorite of the cedars. I had a 30 year specimen the snow a few years back destroyed. I had so much joy watching songbirds literally disappearing into it flying full speed to nest or for protection.
3 gallon- $22.50
7 gallon- $45.00
Distylium 'Blue Cascade'
Blue Cascade distylium
Distyliums are a recent plant addition to take the place of cherry laurels that were plagued with disease. They are related to witchhazels and have very small red flowers late winter. They are planted everywhere but look best in part sun albeit half day is best. Blue Cascade is listed as 5' by 5' but will probably get larger though can be pruned.
7 gallon - $45.00
Eucomis comosa 'Sparkling Burgundy
Pineapple lily
A lovely bulb for sunny spots in the garden. It has 12-16 inch strap like foliage that emerge dark purple fade to green in summer and new growth during late summer after blooming is dark again. The bloom resembles a pineapple and has some interest though foliage is the appeal. Interestingly it is the only plant I grow from leaf cuttings.
Bulb, hence dies back to ground
3 gallon-$15.00
'Japenese Painted Fern'
'Holly Fern'
'Autumn Fern'
Ferns in general like shady conditions with good soil moisture. They are limitless in variety. The ones we grow are in the 12" to 18" range. The painted ferns die back but have beautiful foliage and can spread in a damp area. The other two are evergreen with their own distinct features.
3 gallon-$15.00
Ginkgo Bilioba "Autumn Gold'
Autumn Gold Ginkgo
The standard of full size ginkgo trees. It is a large tree 50' with beautiful yellow fall color. The leaves are a unique fan shape. Ginkgos are an old tree existing for millions of years ago from before the time of dinosaurs. I always get a laugh out of telling young kids that these trees lived with the dinosaurs and realize from their reaction that they think the tree I am pointing to was of that time.
7 gallon- $55.00
15 gallon- $80.00
Helleborus Orientalis
Oriental Christmas rose
The standard of hellebores. Ours are the Pine Knot selection with a variety of colors. In a shady moist area they can be invasive with seedlings though not in my yard. A deer resistant shade plant that is great for a difficult spot and a gardener with brown thumbs.
1 gallon- $9.50
Hydrangea quercifolia 'Snow Queen'
Snow Queen hydrangea
A native hydrangea with 8" cone shaped flower panicles in late spring. The oakleaf hydrangeas prefer part to mostly shade. I have see\n them blooming in fairly deep shade though they are leggy. This cultivar can get to be 8' by 8'. Beautiful fall color but beware as deer love them.
3 gallon- $20.00
Magnolia grandiflora 'Little Gem'
Little Gem southern magnolia
A 25' dwarf? southern magnolia. Really the only southern magnolia for most yards due to its smaller statue. This plant blooms at a very young age and is a fairly vigorous grower. It needs at least half day sun and full is best. A truly beautifully fragrant flower which I love to inhale.
7 gallon-$50.00
Magnolia macrophylla asheii
Asheii bigleaf magnolia
A truly interesting native magnolia possessing huge leaves and flowers. A small shrub like tree which is best grown in part shade though can handle full sun. It grows probably to about 20' and should be a must for any plant collector with enough space.
3 gallon -$27.50
7 gallon- $50.00
Magnolia stellata
'Royal Star'
Royal Star
A slower growing magnolia tree maybe reaching 20' in many years. This stellata was bred for its multiple petaled white flowers which bloom in late winter. A nice specimen plant for part sun to full sun locations though flowers can be damaged by a late freeze so best to avoid wide open location though mine is and is rarely damaged.
3 gallon - $22.50
7 gallon - $45.00
15 gallon- $65.00
Magnolia x 'Jane'
Jane magnolia
One of the 'Little Girl Hybrids' from the U.S. Arboretum in the mid 1950's. Jane is a shrubby small tree growing somewhat quickly to about 15' to 20'. It needs part to full sun for good flowering. Flowers are purple on the outside and white inside though the best appeal is the purple candle effect before they start to open in the spring.
3 gallon - $22.50
7 gallon- $45.00
15 gallon- $65.00
Osmanthus x fortunei 'fruitlandii'
Fortune's osmanthus
A large evergreen shrub growing to 15' x 15' over many years and I have seen it maintained at every height. This plant is greatly deer resistant and can provide a nice screen from part sun to full sun. Tiny fragrant white flowers are produced in the fall to add to its appeal.
3 gallon - $18.00
7 gallon - $40.00
15 gallon - $65.00
Picea abies
Bird's Nest
A slow growing dwarf spruce eventually getting 3' x 5' after an eternity. They do best in part shade and form a dense flat round specimen. I had one that was about 2' x 4' after 15 years that died from drought. A word to the wise, most conifers when young cannot be allowed to go really dry. They do not wilt, they die or suffer die back and since they grow so slow it is best to put some water on them when we go into a drought.
3 gallon -$30.00
Picea orientalis
'Aurea Spicata'
Golden oriental spruce
A slow growing conifer to 6' after 12-15 years that could get to 30' after many years. This plant has yellow emerging foliage in the spring and quite a bit of weep compared to other cultivars. It is said to be one of the best but cannot hold a candle to 'Early Gold' in my own yard. It does best in part shade to mostly sun with irrigation during dry periods.
5 gallon -$60.00
15 gallon-$125.00
Picea orientalis
'Connecticut Turnpike'
Connecticut Turnpike Oriental Spruce
One of the gifts to the my plant world. This is the oldest plant I have in my collection. It is 4' tall x 6' wide after about 35 years and has been transplanted twice. Mine grows 2-4 inches a year even though I have seen them grow faster under better conditions. I have them planted from full sun to almost three quarter shade and they tolerate both as I believe all orientalis will.
5 gallon -$60.00
Pieris japonica 'Temple Bells'
Temple Bells Japanese Pieris
Another plant that does best in part shade to shade. This variety grows to 4' x 4' with pendulous white flowers in the spring and burgundy new growth. Quite handsome though requires a well drained site. Related to azaleas and blueberries.
3 gallon - $20.00 (May 2024)
Sarcococca confusa
An evergreen shrub for the shade that has fragrant white flowers in late winter. The flowers are on the stems and not very showy though black fruits follow which also have some appeal. It gets to be about 4' x 4' growing mainly up from ground shoots.
3 gallon - $18.00
Sciadopitys verticillata
umbrella pine
A truly unique plant in many ways. This small 25'-30' pyramidal conifer has thick soft dark green needles that really looks like no other plant. It is slow growing (mine is 10' in 15 years) and needs part shade with well drained soil. A true treasure from Geoff who introduced me to it.
3 gallon -$40.00
Thuja occidentalis
'Golden Globe'
Golden Globe
A smaller growing arborvitae at 3' x 3' that has yellow foliage. This plant is new for me and appears to be tough in the nursery. Not as bright as yellow like 'Gold Mops', but more compact and a neater appearance. It needs good sun to maintain color.
3 gallon -$18.00
Thujopsis dolobrata
Hiba arborvitae
A large growing conifer to 50' though I believe this applies to being grown in the north. Mine is 6' in ten years in moderate shade, though at the nursery they have much more vigor. They may grow faster with more water and half day sun. The foliage has white spots on the back which has an interesting appeal. I think this plant would make a good part shade specimen.
3 gallon- $22.50
7 gallon- $55.00
Thujopsis dolobrata
Hondei Dwarf Hiba arborvitae
A plant given to me that was supposed to be a dwarf Thujopsis. It does seem to be smaller and denser than the species though a dwarf I doubt. An unknown plant basically to the world that would be a nice part shade specimen.
3 gallon -$22.50
Just a passing note on plants. I had a few plants die recently and one must realize plants are living things and like us they can meet their end by many ways. If not squirrels,voles, ambrosia beetles, there are the microscopic pathogens like phytophthora. One must enjoy them while we have them and do what we can to keep them happy.